Complete Knowledge of Cyber Security Science

The concept of cyber security is not a simple concept. And because attacks tend to develop every day when attackers become more inventive, it is very important for Internet users to precisely define the concept of cyber security and identify what cyber security looks like and Stay ahead of the changing threat landscape with Cyber Security consultants.

Cyber ​​security becomes very important because from year to year, world spending on cyber security continues to increase, namely 71.1 billion in 2014, 75 billion in 2015, and up to 101 billion in 2018.

Some organizations are beginning to understand that malware is a publicly available commodity that can make it easier for anyone to become a cyber attacker, and even more companies offer false security solutions and don’t help much in defending attacks.

Cyber ​​security protects the data and integrity of computing assets that are owned or connected to an organization’s network. The aim is to defend assets from the threat of cyber attacks.

What is Cyber ​​Security?

Cyber ​​security is a protection system that is connected to the internet, including hardware, software, and data from cyber attacks.

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In the context of computing, security consists of cyber security and physical security, both of which are used by companies to protect their data centers and computer systems against illegal access.

Information security, which is designed to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, is part of cyber security.

Basic Concepts of Cyber ​​Security

Cyber ​​security as a whole is a very broad term but is based on three basic concepts known as “The CIA Triad” consisting of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. This concept is designed to guide an organization with cyber security policies in the field of information security.


Confidentiality is a rule that limits access to information by taking steps to restrict sensitive information from being accessed by cyber hackers.

In an organization, people are allowed or denied access to information in accordance with their categories by giving authority to the right people in a department.

They are also given proper training on how to share information and secure their accounts with strong passwords. They can change the way data is handled in an organization to ensure data protection.

The ways to ensure confidentiality are: two-factor authentication, data encryption, data classification, biometric verification, and security tokens.


Integrity ensures that data is consistent, accurate and can be trusted for a certain period. This means that data in transit cannot be altered, deleted or accessed illegally.

Appropriate steps must be taken in an organization to ensure its safety. File permissions and user access control are steps that prevent data hacking.

In addition, there must be tools and technology applied to detect changes or data breaches. Many organizations use cryptographic checksums and checksums to verify data integrity.

To deal with data loss or accidental deletion or even cyber attacks, a regular backup must exist. Today, cloud backup is the most trusted solution.


Availability in this case includes needs such as hardware, software, networks, and security equipment that must be maintained and improved in performance. This is done to ensure smooth functioning and uninterrupted data access and to provide constant communication between components through the provision of sufficient bandwidth.

In addition, this point also involves the selection of additional security equipment in the event of a disaster or traffic jam. Utilities such as firewalls, disaster recovery plans, proxy servers, and proper backup solutions must be ensured to be able to deal with DoS (Denial of Service) attacks.

Tips for Protection of Cyber ​​Security

With such high dependence on computers, it is very risky if you ignore the possibility of cyber crime in business. Below are the various types of cyber security protection & IT Security Consultants that you must understand so that you can build a strong foundation for a strong security strategy.

Critical Infrastructure Security

Critical infrastructure security consists of physical cyber systems that are widely relied on by modern society. Common examples of critical infrastructure include: electricity networks, water purification, traffic lights, shopping centers, and hospitals. The existence of electricity network infrastructure on the internet makes it vulnerable to cyber attacks. Therefore, organizations with responsibility for critical infrastructure must conduct due diligence to understand the vulnerability.

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